Representing Victims of Unfair Treatment
If you are suffering from discrimination or sexual harassment in your place of work, then you may be entitled to pursue legal action to correct this mistreatment. At Michel Allen & Sinor, we believe in the necessity of informing and educating our clients about their legal matters. Refer to the following information to obtain general answers to your questions regarding employment law. We also offer a free confidential case evaluation so that you may obtain preliminary information about your claims at no cost to you.
Employment Law FAQ
When Do I Receive Overtime Pay?The U.S. Department of Labor mandates that a non-exempt employee is paid at least one and one-half times their usual hourly rate after 40 hours of work in a workweek. If you are not paid these overtime wages, then you may be able to pursue legal action for compensation.
What is Considered Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?Any request for sexual favors with the promise of reward in exchange is sexual harassment. Bullying or coercion of a sexual nature is sexual harassment, and unwelcome or unwanted comments of a sexual nature are also forms of sexual harassment. Even inappropriate jokes can be considered a form of sexual harassment.
What is Considered Discrimination in the Workplace?There are many different types of discrimination and many grounds for pursuing legal action against those who discriminate against others in the workplace. If you are passed over for a promotion, treated differently, fired, or otherwise treated unfairly based on your race, gender, religion, age, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, or other grounds, then you may be the victim of discrimination.
What is the Maximum Number of Hours That I Am Allowed to Work in a Week?The state of Alabama has no laws limiting the number of hours that an adult may work in a week. As long as you are over the age of 16 and you are provided with correct overtime pay, there is no limit to the number of hours you may work.